Starlore of the Constellations | Geoffrey Cornelius
This is a highly practical guide to identifying the constellations and the stars that comprise them. Geoffrey Cornelius, astronomy expert and teacher, brings star-watching vividly to life by conveying the rich symbolic significance that the heavens assumed in many cultures, from the Babylonians to the ancient Greeks. Master star navigation by building your knowledge rather than relying on technology. "Signpost charts" make finding stars easy.
Assuming no prior knowledge of astronomy, the book concentrates on features that can be made out with the naked eye or binoculars. All 88 Major and Minor Constellations, and the planets, included. Along with beautiful 4-colour illustrations of each, and the myths and legends behind hundreds of individual stars, lose yourself in the magic of the night sky.
Plan your year around the unmissable celestial moments with the "full-sky maps" that show which constellations are viewable and where, every month. Whether you're a budding astronomer looking to deepen your understanding, or an astrologer hoping to learn more about the ancient myths that were formed in the sky, you'll find everything you need in this comprehensive introduction.
Size: 185 x 215mm (paperback)
Pages: 320
Publisher: Watkins