Last year we ran a Kickstarter campaign to help us make our gallery space more sustainable.
As you all know, the retail landscape was already changing when we set out our plan, but the last 12 months have forced us to adapt even further. What remains important to us as a team is experience, learning, and relationships and we will continue to strive to maintain the gallery alongside the shop as a vibrant and inclusive space, supporting artists and makers and bringing exciting stuff to Leeds.
For more details of our ongoing projects and plans please stay tuned!
HUGE thanks to the following people for being firm friends of CMV. Their help and support has helped us to continue to grow the space into 2021 and beyond!
If you are interested in our plans as we emerge from the current lockdown please check back here from time to time.
- Abbie Mooney
- Aidan Saunders & Zeel
- Alex
- Alex Fisher
- Alex Willcocks
- Alice
- Alison Ferguson
- Alison McIntyre
- Amy Balderston
- Amy Leach
- Amy Tidmarsh
- Amy Wright
- Andrew Wilson
- Andy Sandwich
- Angela Davies
- Anne Wyman
- Antony Kitson
- Antony Pearson
- Arwen Thomas
- Ashley Kollokowski
- Bash
- Ben & Kate
- Ben Javens
- Beth & Fred Palfery
- Beth Olejnik
- Bev L
- Bianca Wallis-Salmon
- Blue Crow Media
- Bold Type
- Bronya
- Cait McEniff
- Carla Addyman
- Carlos Chablé
- Caroline Pratt
- Carys Norfor
- Catharine Braithwaite
- Chris Madden
- Christabel Mitchell
- Clare Linton
- Craig Oldham
- Cut Out & Co
- Dan Robinson
- Daniel Carey
- Daniela Rosenhammer
- Daoud Al-Janabi
- David Mihell
- David olejnik
- Dom Hodgson
- Drew Millward
- Duncan Sime
- Ellie Polston
- Ethan Earle
- Farah Ismail
- Frances Castle
- Freya Smeets
- Gemma Richardson
- George Williams
- Georgia Ellis
- Georgia Unsworth
- Giles Smith
- Grace Daniels
- Graham Pilling
- Hannah Buckley
- Hannah Olejnik
- Haroon
- Harri, Chris and Maisie
- Hattie
- Heide Krueger
- Helen Hamilton
- helen hancocks
- Helena Covell
- Hollie Fuller
- Hungry Sandwich
- Ian Joicey
- Ian Street
- James Baxter
- James Briggs
- James Day
- James Ockelford
- Jamie Wright
- Jane McDevitt
- Jason Domers
- Jenn Jordan
- Jess Collinge
- Jim
- Jimmy Smith
- Joanne Crawford
- Jodie
- Joe List
- Joel
- John
- Jonathan Doidge
- Jonathan Wilkinson
- Judy Sendrove
- Justin Slee
- Kathryn Grace
- Katy Needham
- Kavel Rafferty
- Kaye Symington
- Kellye Coffyn
- Kevin and Sandie Walters
- Kieran Blakey
- Lars Seelig
- Laura baker
- Laura Wellington
- Lauren Harries
- Laynes Espresso
- Lee Goater
- Lesley Barnes
- Li Wilson-Rogers
- liam
- Living Vintage
- Liz Hensor
- Lizzie Wharton
- Lorna robey
- Louise Evans
- Lucy Ketchin
- Lucy Sherston
- Luke Buckley-Johnstone
- Luke Drozd
- Luke Staunton
- Marina illum
- Marti
- Martin O'Dea
- Mary & Dave Minicelli
- Massimiliano Belli
- Matt DesLauriers
- Matt Dix
- Matt Lamont
- Matthew Hodson
- Matthew Suff
- Mek Summat
- Mellow, Inc.
- Michael Bagley
- Milo Sims
- Neal Whittington
- Neil Holroyd
- Nestor Matthews
- Nick & Ruth
- Nick Dawes
- Nick Porter
- North Brew Co
- Ollie
- Orlando lloyd
- Patrick Boyle
- Patrick Roddam
- Paul Bamford
- Penny Burrows
- Pete Davison
- Peter Mitchell
- Plæy
- Rachel Haigh
- Rebecca J Kaye
- Refold
- Rhys jones
- Richard Marshall
- Richard Palfery
- Richard Sykes
- Roger Grech
- Roger Taylor
- Rosy Smith
- Roxanne Bottomley
- Russell & Tara Bisset
- Ruth Wood
- Saima Nazir
- Sally & Andrew
- Sally Welchman
- Samuel Taylor
- Sarah Hardy
- Saul Studio
- Sean Gilks
- Si Wilson
- Simon james
- Sophie Müllertz
- Split Design
- Stephanie
- Stephen Birrell
- Stephen Woowat
- Stu Hansom
- Studio Wald
- Studio.Build
- Sunken Studio
- Team BV
- The Creative Fund by BackerKit
- The Ginger Prince
- The Hyde Park Picture House
- The Lost Fox
- Tom Merton Jones
- Tom Newbury
- Vicki Munro
- Victoria
- Victoria Bennett
- Victoria O’Key
- Vinodh Subramanian
- Wendy Cook
- William Hibbert
- Xanthe Bonsall-Towers
- Zoe Aubugeau-Williams