The Illustrator's Guide | James Hughes (Hardback)
Subtitled: 'How to Create an Exceptional Freelance Illustration Career', James Hughes, new book is a one-stop-shop for those entering (or already fully involved in) a career in illustration. James is a Yorkshire-based illustration agent who helps new illustrators develop their careers by coaching, mentoring, and sharing what he knows about the illustration business: and that, it appears, is quite a lot.
The book is full of expert advice and step-by-step guidance that will help you stand out from an ever-expanding crowd. Across 16 chapters, James takes the reader through the practical (managing money, dealing with client briefs, pricing your work etc.) and the personal (developing the right mindset, overcoming barriers, maintaining creative habits, etc.). Each chapter is succinctly and clearly written and feature exercises that you can work through at your own pace - theres even a summary that closes each chapter that helps you reflect on the key info.
The Illustrator's Guide is a book that should be on the reading list of every Illustration course, and, if you're aiming to create an exceptional illustration career, in your personal book collection too.
Size: 127 x 198mm
Pages: 215