
Screenprints: A History | Gill Saunders

Regular price £35.00

Beginning as a commercial process in the r920s, screenprinting played a pivotal role in the Pop and Op Art movements of the I960s, has been central to the enduring popularity of limited-edition fine art prints, and continues to be an exciting, experimental medium for artists? books, protest posters and much in between.

Screenprints: A History celebrates the rich tradition of screenprinting as a means of artistic expression, starting with precursors such as stencilling before moving through the medium's post-war pioneers, applications from editioned prints to installations, and a multitude of contemporary forms. Prints by internationally known artists including Roy Lichtenstein, Bridget Riley and Damien Hirst sit alongside work from lesser-known contemporaries, creating a visual history of the medium throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The technical aspects of screenprinting are also explored, both through discussion of artists? collaborations with print studios such as Kelpra, and in a chapter that illustrates the full screenprinting process.


With many images drawn from the V&A's extraordinary print collection, Screenprints offers an inspiring and informative introduction to this popular medium.


Size: 210 X 267mm (hardback with belly band)

Pages: 272 (205 illustrations)

Publisher: V&A

Screenprints: A History | Gill Saunders