
On a trip to Russia, Akiko Kogano, the owner of a Russian interior-design shop in Nara, became enraptured by the Soviet-era chocolate wrappers she came across in a small museum in Moscow. Although the museum soon closed, she continued to look out for news related to it, and eventually learned its collection had been transferred to a magazine publishing house; spurred by her desire to see the collection once more, she sought out editor-in-chief Igor Smirennyi. This book is the outcome of that encounter.
Russian chocolate wrappers aren't just charming to look at; they're expressions of the historical and social conditions under which they were created. They have their roots in imperial Russia around the turn of the twentieth century, when innovative packaging design flourished. The sensibilities nurtured then were carried on in the Soviet era by designers who continued to produce sophisticated wrappers even after the major confectioners had been nationalised. Depicting everything from Cyrillic lettering to animals, folktales, animated films, famous paintings, historical occurrences, and holidays to even current events, wrappers became inextricably associated with their chocolates in people's minds-so much so that one catchphrase proclaimed,"Get your morning news in the paper, your evening news in a chocolate".
Size: 150 x 210mm (paperback with belly band)
Pages: 160
Publisher: Seigensha