MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock's Most Revolutionary Band | Brad Tolinksi
Few bands have dared to ignite a revolution through their fusion of activism and art like MC5.
Managed by the charismatic hippie spokesman John Sinclair, MC5 wasn't just a band; they were a thunderous proclamation of dissent, amplifying the voices of the marginalized. From championing civil rights to rallying for cannabis legalization, they fearlessly thrust their beliefs onto the world stage.
For their efforts, the rabble-rousing musical arm of the White Panther Party, the scourge of J. Edgar Hoover's FBl and other defenders of public decency, were often beaten with clubs, threatened at gunpoint, tossed into jail, and even unceremoniously dumped by their record company, right as their album was storming up the charts--and all while the Sex Pistols were still on training wheels.
Centered arounda series of interviews with MC5, their manager and their inner circle, this book presents a genuinely candid, funny, and moving portrait of rock's most uncompromising and articulate band. MC5 also features a virtual "who's who" of 1960s rockers, including Iggy and the Stooges, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, promoter Bill Graham, John Lennon, the Jefferson Airplane, Jerry Rubin, Tom Hayden and Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver.
Size: 176 x 241mm
Pages: 280
Publisher: Omnibus