Honk! is a celebration of the bumper sticker! For the show, which marked our 12th birthday, we invited 25 excellent artists, designers and scallywags to produce a fender furnishing that shares an affirmation, a motto, or just some beautiful eye candy to catch the eye of that pesky tailgater in your rearview!
Grammar pedants experience slight confusion when it comes to the name of Yorkshire-based illustrator Drew Millward. If he’s still active, surely his name should be Draw?
Whatever the truth is, we know that the lysergic, rainbow-coloured carnival that flows from his brain to his fingers is the stuff that cheese dreams are made of. Big love to this HONKer too for including lovely books on his stoicker!
Each sticker is 10 x 3 inches, and 10% percentage of each sale goes to PAFRAS Leeds (Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers). So these are stickers which are both good and do good. Good!