In 1995 we all stood on the cusp of change, a little like we do now: the pendulum of power was swinging from red to blue. Things could only get better...
The Nineties was also the decade of BritPop and Cool Britannia, of Oasis vs Blur, of the Young British Artists ascendancy, of the gentrification of the beautiful game, of Pulp at Glastonbury, of the 'Lad Mag' revolution, of Kate Moss, Alexander McQueen, Viv Westwood, Stella McCartney, of lager, lager, lager and of better drugs.
Faster Than a Cannonball by Dylan Jones is, according to Alan McGee (who was 35 in '95), 'the best book on the nineties I have ever read'. It is a impressive piece of work, that tries to make sense of this decade of incredible creative upheaval, through interviews with a hugely impressive role call of major '90s players.
Size: 129 x 197mm (paperback)
Pages: 528
Publisher: White Rabbit