When a dog named Cherry died in I881, his owners arranged for a grave in ancarby garden. At the time, the idea that an animal deserved a dignified burial was considered comical, but others followed suit and the first urban pet cemetery was born. The result was a revolution in the way we treat animals Faithful Unto Death tells the stories of people who dared to believe that the reward at death lor an animal companion should reFlect the love it offered during life
This beautifully published hardback from Thames & Hudson takes us from the very first urban pet cemeteries to their reinvention in the US, and includes some truly heartbreaking inscriptions ('Fudge, as dear and sweet as his name'), remembrances of famous animals (including ones sung to by Elvis), memorials to animals that have seen military action and a sampling of truly unique burials.
Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved pet will find something to move them here.
Size: 180 x 248mm (Hardback)
Pages: 256 (234 colour illustrations)
Publisher: Thames & Hudson