
Typeone Magazine #09 | Packaging, Food and Typography

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Typeone issue Nine focuses on packaging, food and typography, and like a piece of shop bought food packaging this one has a tear strip to keep the contents fresh (yeah, you have to tear into it, but the defacement is well worth it).


At the heart of this issue is a provocative exploration of how packaging influences not just the marketplace but our relationship with food, the environment, and each other. Featuring a collection of essays, interviews, and design showcases, this 136-page volume offers readers a deep dive into the nuances of food-related design and the stories behind the products we consume. From zero-waste initiatives to type-driven food branding, the contributors challenge conventional approaches to food packaging and encourage reflection on the hidden structures within the global food system.


With thoughtful insights from industry pioneers and typographers, including an essay from food critic Alicia Kennedy, and hands-on advice from Think Packaging’s Mat Bogust, this issue brings together a diverse array of voices in the design and food industries. Highlighting innovations in sustainable packaging, the emotional and cultural power of food, and the role of typography in shaping perceptions.


TYPEONE Magazine Issue #09 is an invitation to question, reflect, and take action on the ways we design and consume, fostering new narratives and celebrating diversity in the world of packaging, food, and typography.




As editor Amber Weaver says in the first editorial - this is a historical artefact of our design culture, not just a magazine.


Size: 220 x 297mm

Pages: 144


Size: 220 x 297mm

Pages: 133 


Typeone Magazine #09 | Packaging, Food and Typography