
Mutations: The Many Strange Faces of Hardcore Punk | Sam McPheeters

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In this collections of essays, criticism and profiles, writer, fanzines maker, record label owner, and performer (most notably in New York hardcore band Born Against), Sam McPheeters considers punk in its many permutations. McPheeters, a man immersed for two decades in 'aggressive underground music', accessed punk through its hardcore permutation, and Mutations takes much of its worldview from there.


Inside you'll find words on The Gossip, The Flying Lizards, Discharge, No Trend and Green Day (proving just how much area this word 'punk' covers). You'll find chats on the graphic representation of hardcore, insight into the death of record labels, and musings on the disappearance of that constant American soundtrack: Muzak.



Size: 140 x 216mm

Pages: 266

Publisher: Rare Bird Books


Mutations: The Many Strange Faces of Hardcore Punk | Sam McPheeters