The brand new Macguffin takes a look at that architectural feature that keeps us hemmed in, apart from each other, private, excluded and keeps the roof over our heads - the wall!
Inside - brutalism reduced to clickable concrete in the age of social media, the return of the underground bunker, Trumpian wall prototypes presented as 'land art', walls as living ecosystems, failed fencing erected to stop migrants, and a free-climber ascending the world's tallest towers for the sheer fun of it.
MacGuffin is a magazine about the life of things. Often seen as humble and prosaic, these objects spring to life under the lens, revealing strange, wonderful and fascinating stories that spin off at tangents. Beautifully assembled, with varied paper stocks, great photography, handsome illustration, and some very readable copy, this magazine raises the ordinary to the sublime.
Size: 275 x 210mm
Pages: 224