
MacGuffin #13 | The Letter

Regular price £23.00


From the fat, colourful fonts of Mexico City's street stalls, to t-shirt sloganeering across the decades, this issue of the ever-desirable MacGuffin takes a deep delve into the cloth Scrabble bag of letters.


Inside you'll find articles on the print culture of the Women's Liberation Movement that bloomed in '70s Britain, the invention of the elusive Unicode glyph, the interrobang, the development of graffiti and its relationship to the establishment, the human struggle spelled out through creation of protest signs, and the formation of Sinistral Hand, a writing system developed for left-handed people.


Elsehwere - text-based album cover art, a conversation with Dutch typographer and educator Karel Martens, the finger-spelling symbols of Martin Wong, the appearance and meaning of concrete poetry, and yes, the history of Scrabble in 8 tiles.


MacGuffin is a magazine about the life of things. Often seen as humble and prosaic, these objects spring to life under the lens, revealing strange, wonderful and fascinating stories that spin off at tangents. Beautifully assembled, with varied paper stocks, great photography, handsome illustration, and some very readable copy, this magazine raises the ordinary to the sublime.


Size: 275 x 210mm

Pages: 224


MacGuffin #13 | The Letter