
Logo Rhythm: Band Logos that Rocked the World | Jim K Davies & Jamie Ellul

Regular price £55.00

For me, the logos that woke me up were those of the 2 Tone label. How did I know that they had woken me?, I began to draw them on my pencil case, on my school bag, on anything that needed a bad reproduction of those cool monochrome band names.


Logo Rhythm is a beautifully published celebration of the band logo that spans 70 years - taking us from the British beat groups of the '60s to Bowie's Black Star. In between you'll find over 100 iconic logos that find themselves branded into our brain, taking us from punk to pop, mod to metal and hip hop to hardcore.


This is an incredible visu­al cel­e­bra­tion of an under-appreciated graph­ic art, covering pow­er­ful marks and designs from more obscure cor­ners of the music indus­try, togeth­er with more famil­iar clas­sics. It also includes con­tri­bu­tions from lumi­nar­ies of the graph­ic design and music indus­tries, includ­ing Bea­t­les art direc­tor Kosh, Bowie design­er Jonathan Barn­brook, Studio.Build director Micheal C Place, Monotype creative director and type designer Phil Garnham, Alex Kapra­nos of Franz Ferdinand and many, many more..


Size: 212 X 257mm (hardback)

Pages: 452 (400 Illustrations)

Publisher: Circa Press

Logo Rhythm: Band Logos that Rocked the World | Jim K Davies & Jamie Ellul