Shipley Wayzgoose

If you were at the first Shipley Wayzgoose on June 3rd 2017 you’ll know what an amazing event it was.

There was an unexpectedly high turn out on the day which meant the Kirkgate Centre was buzzing all day long with printers young and old mingling with the curious and delighted who had turned up to see what all this Wayzgoose fuss was all about.

Over 20 printers from across the UK represented all aspects of letterpress printing on the day. Fine press books, luxurious prints, printing demo’s (one on a bike no less..!), chap books, cards, posters, broadsides, newly cast type and secondhand equipment were all available to prod, poke, discuss, haggle over and to buy.

This year we are delighted to be a stall holder at The Wayzgoose on Saturday 9th June from 11am-5pm at The Kirkgate Centre in Shipley when there will be  the finest selection of printers from across the land!

Entry is free and the cafe will be open all day so do pop in for a nosey & a nice cup of tea.

Shipley Wayzgoose is organised by Papercut Bindery & The Print Project