HONK! A Bumper Sticker Showdown.
Thursday November 14th 6-8pm
In November we celebrate our 12th birthday, and we thought it would be bloody lovely to collaborate with some brilliant folk in putting together a group show in our space. So, with that in mind, we got our heads together with local mischief makers Mek Summat and we came up with HONK!
Honk! is a celebration of the bumper sticker. We invited 25 artists to get involved, and boy what a treat you have in store…not only will there be 25 brand new actual bumper stickers to purchase, with a % of each sale going to pafras_leeds
(Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers), but there will also be super-sized versions on the walls for you to gawp at! HONK!
While you are enjoying a bit of traffic free gawping, we would like to refresh you with a beer supplied by the very very generous Northern Monk & invite you to take part in our raffle in aid of PAFRAS
We will also be hosting a food collection for PAFRAS Leeds during the evening, so please bring what you can (more details on that to follow).
Massive thanks to nofussco and northernmonk for their incredibly generous support.
The event is free and open to all, so see you there yeah?